Please check back to Learn more about UMRC Deutsches THeater Shows.
“Das moderne Theater muss nicht danach beurteilt werden, wieweit es die Gewohnheiten des Publikums befriedigt, sondern danach, wieweit es sie verändert.” Brecht
Scroll down to see trailers from some of our shows and links to two articles about UM RC Deutsches Theater.
The UM Residential College Deutsches Theater (UM RC DT) program has been described as the most fully integrated foreign language theater company in the US. Actors performed in our company as a way of improving their German, and between 2002-2020, they also had the opportunity to travel with me on a subsidized short-term (1-3 week) immersion theater and arts study trip to Germany, during which they saw 10-20 plays at a range of venues.
UM RC DT brought many classic and contemporary plays to audiences and we also hosted visiting artists (movement artists, dancers, actors, musicians) in Ann Arbor, MI, and did service learning in Berlin where our study trips sometimes included tutoring and theater workshops with children.
Please visit again soon to see more articles, trailers, and documentation of our theater company.
To learn more about UM RC Deutsches Theater shows and study trips, you can visit our Facebook page and also this website.
Click on image to see Article on RC Deutsches Theater, 16-17
Trailer for UM RC Deutsches Theater 2011: Ein Tag am Strand (Bremmer) Music and Film ©2011JHShier
UM RC Deutsches Theater 2014. Music and Film ©2014Janet Hegman Shier. Please click on the cow. If you don’t see the cow, click anyway and you should see the trailer!
UM Residential College Deutsches Theater 2015, End of term show. Music and Film© 2015Janet Hegman Shier.
Sara Curtin sings. UM RC 50th Reunion. UM RC DT “Durch die Jahre” October 2017 Music©2007Janet Hegman Shier
Jahresrückblick 2014, Highlights from 2014. Workshops, Artists-in-Residence, Performances, Berlin Study trip. (You may want to turn the sound down.)
Ein Herz, ein Sparkassenbuch
Please check back to Learn more about UMRC Deutsches THeater Shows.